Setup tailwindcss for a given project.
Setup tailwindcss for a given project.
1nx generate setup-tailwind ...
By default, Nx will search for setup-tailwind
in the default collection provisioned in workspace.json.
You can specify the collection explicitly as follows:
1nx g @nx/remix:setup-tailwind ...
Show what will be generated without writing to disk:
1nx g setup-tailwind ... --dry-run
Generate a TailwindCSS config for your Remix app:
1g setup-tailwind --project=myapp
The name of the project to add tailwind to
Skip formatting files after generator runs
Join Victor Savkin and Max Kless discussing why LLMs struggle with fragmented codebases, how monorepos + Nx create AI-powered architectural decisions, the before-and-after experience of AI-powered coding in Nx.